Eve хүдрийн график wiki 2

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Update 2.2 | Geometry Dash Wiki | Fandom

Update 2.2 is the twelfth major update to Geometry Dash, released on December 19th 2023 for iOS, Android, and Steam. The update introduces the main level Dash, the new Swing gamemode, new triggers such as camera controls, post-processing effects for levels, triggers for movement, and more. Additionally, Update 2.2 added …

Stellar Fleet Deployment Site

Omni. Stellar Fleet Deployment Site appear every 5 hours and are centered around the Dazh Liminality Locus Structure. They spawn in Triglavian Minor Victory systems and in Pochven. The Dazh Liminality Locus projects a System-wide Effect . Kikimoras deploy powerful Structures and are high priority targets.

Pirate Intrusion (Serpentis)

Th Kin. EWAR. Coreli Patroller/Watchman (Sensor Damp), Corelum Chief Patroller/Watchman (Sensor Damp) Ship suggestion. Cruiser. Mission briefing. Blitz: Destroy everything in 1st Pocket, then Cruisers in 2nd Pocket. There is an acceleration gate upon warp-in. There are no NPCs at the gate.


Filament. Filaments are items which can instantly transport a ship or a small fleet. There are four types of filament, with quite different effects and uses: Abyssal filaments transport pilots to a randomly-chosen pocket of Abyssal Deadspace, where they will face difficult time-limited PvE combat challenges with potentially lucrative rewards ...

Wormhole space

Wormhole Space has roughly 2600 known systems, each classified as one of six levels. These are commonly referred to as C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 or C6. They represent how entrenched the Sleeper occupation is and how strong the system effects (see below) can be. Additionally, 100 of those systems are classified as Sh…See more on wiki.eveuniversity

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Ultimate Guide to Wormhole Space in EVE Online

WEB1 Where to find asteroids. 1.1 Asteroid belts. 1.2 Deadspace pockets. 1.3 Cosmic anomalies. 1.3.1 High security space. 1.3.2 Low security space. 1.3.3 Null …

Events and Offers

to 50% off Omega + MCT in EVE Store; to Winter Nexus events. Winter Luminae Pack, 20% off and added SKINs for select PLEX packages in EVE Store. Winter Nexus offers in New Eden Store; to Cyber Monday Madness. Discounts for Starter Packs in EVE Store.

EVE University Wiki

Links for New Players. EVE University is a corporation in EVE Online and a member of the Ivy League Alliance. We are a neutral, non-profit training corporation in New Eden. Founded in March of 2004 by Morning Maniac, EVE University has taught over 25,000 pilots and continues to take new pilots and train them in all aspects of EVE Online.


Tech 2 manufacturing requires Tech 2 BPCs, which are 'invented' through the invention process. This is a chance-based process, requiring a lot of skill investment in advance, and you are not guaranteed to get a Tech 2 BPCs at the end of it. Some Tech 2 manufacturers do not invent, but instead merely buy Tech 2 BPC packs from dedicated …

EVE University Corporation Skill Plans

1 Accessing skill plans. 1.1 EVE University members - skill plan interface; 1.2 All other characters - using plan links; 2 Using skill plans; 3 EVE University Corporation Skill Plans; 4 Basic skill plans. 4.1 Short Skill Plan. 4.1.1 EUni- Short Skill Plan 1 - Frigate DD Basic; 4.1.2 EUni- Short Skill Plan 2 - Cruiser DD Basic; 4.2 Pyramid Skill Plan. 4.2.1 EUni - Pyramid …

Murder Mystery 2 Wiki | Fandom

Murder Mystery 2 is a Roblox horror game created by Nikilis. The game is based off a Garry's Mod game mode called Murder. A server holds up to twelve players, with one "murderer", one "sheriff", and ten "innocents" at most. The game features three modes: Casual, Hardcore, and Assassin. These modes can be switched at any time by the user.

The Blockade (Angel Cartel) (Level 2)

2 : Type: Encounter: Objective: Eliminate the leader of the pirates blockading the stargate: Faction: Angel Cartel: Best damage to deal: Ex Kin: Damage to resist: Ex Kin: EWAR: …

The Massacre at M2-XFE | EVE Online

As the first shots were fired by PAPI at the structure, the Imperium broke from tether and returned fire - the resulting fight would be the most destructive in EVE History. …

Mining crystals

Mining crystals - EVE University Wiki. Mining crystals are consumables fitted to certain Tech II mining modules to increase the yield of these mining modules, with certain …

Helldivers II Wiki | Fandom

Helldivers 2, stylized as Helldivers II, is a third-person shooter unlike the original Helldivers, which is a top-down shooter.Similar to the first game, players are able to select Stratagems, air drops players can call during missions, which include cluster bombs, sentry guns, shield generators or supply pods containing limited-use special weaponry.

Relic and data sites

Pirate sites See also: List of data and relic sites Pirate relic and data sites can be found in all normal space regions, in C1, C2 and C3 class wormhole systems, as well as in shattered wormhole systems.There are pockets of space populated with a variety of cosmic structures (i.e., wrecked stations, abandoned machines) and several containers that need to be …

Official Calamity Mod Wiki

The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game's progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, five new biomes and new structures, a new class, more than forty new songs, over fifty recipes for …

Navy Armada (Caldari)

Caldari. Best damage to deal. Kin Th. Damage to resist. Kin Th. Warp disruption. Elite frigates web/point. EWAR. State Shuriken/Daito/Fudai target jam.

Technological Secrets (Level 2) (1 of 3)

Main article: Technological Secrets (Level 2) Level. 2. Type. Encounter. Objective. Fly to the coordinates in your journal. Destroy the Thukker mercenaries there, and then wait for their reinforcements. Once all of the reinforcements have been destroyed, along with their captain, then make sure you capture at least one survivor from the ...


You can help the UniWiki by expanding it. Zarzakh is a system cloaked in the dust, gas and assorted other bits of matter that are being drawn towards the black hole known as "Point of No Return" to most of New Eden, and "Duzna Kah" to the Amarr. The location of Zarzakh places it deep in the void of Divinity's Edge, or "Yasna Zakh", and …

Tracking the Queen (Part 2)

Take him to Attyn V - Moon 2 - CBD Corporation Storage, where he can transmit the drone's tracking data. This is a simple high sec courier mission. Don't forget to move Corin from Items in the station to your ship cargo hold. Take Corin Risia to his hideout at Attyn V Moon 2 station (two high-sec jumps) so he can transfer the rogue drone data ...

Хатуулаг — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Хатуулаг. Хатуулаг нь механикийн эсэргүүцэл бөгөөд энэ нь ямар нэгэн биет рүү бодис механик үйлчлэлээр нэвтлэн орохыг, эсэргүүцэхийг хэлдэг. Хатуулагийг хооронд нь ямар нөлөөллөөс ...

Shindo Life Wiki | Fandom

About Us. Shinobi Life 2 is a Roblox game developed by group RELL World. It is a Naruto -style game, taking place in a world similar to the game. The Shindo Life Wiki is dedicated to serving as an encyclopedia for Shindo Life and being a resource for the community. Our content is community-driven and depends on our community.


Dreadnoughts ("dreads") are DPS machines, only surpassed as damage-dealers by Supercarriers and Titans. Only dreads can fit a siege module. Each empire faction has one Tech 1 dreadnought hull: Following the general theme of the factions the Revelation, Revelation Navy Issue, Phoenix, and Phoenix Navy Issue have a bonus to …

Encounter Surveillance System

Encounter Surveillance System. Every sovereign nullsec solar system has an Encounter Surveillance System or ESS. The ESS stockpiles a portion of the bounties awarded in that system, and then slowly pays them out to the pilots who earned them—if, that is, no one else steals the money first. An ESS during the countdown for access to its …

War Situation (2 of 2)

Objective. Destroy the General's Quarters and the ships guarding it. Faction. Amarr Empire. Best damage to deal. EM Th. Damage to resist. EM Th. Warp disruption.

Data Mining (Caldari)

Gaining faction standings fast. Mission ships. Career Agents. Level. 2. Type. Security/Mining. Objective. Mine 1,998 units (300m3) of Scordite and eliminate all …

Гүнзгийрүүлсэн Түвшний График Загварууд

Home Боловсрол Онлайн арилжааны стратегиуд Гүнзгийрүүлсэн Түвшний График Загварууд Back Гүнзгийрүүлсэн Түвшний График Загварууд

Combat sites

Guide to combat sites. Combat Sites are a broad class of locations involving player versus environment (PvE) combat, usually in engagements against pirate faction enemies. Combat sites can be found throughout all types of space in New Eden, now including null security and wormhole space. The rewards for completing a given site can also vary due ...

Ашигт малтмалын тархалтын талбай, хүдрийн тухай

Ашигт малтмалын тархалтын талбай, хүдрийн тухай. 1.1 Ашигт малтмалын тархалтын талбай. Геологийн судалгааны үр дүнд нээгдсэн төрөл бүрийн ашигт малтмалын олон зуун орд, илрэлүүд нь ...

Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Point 2

Destroying the commander (and possibly, failing that, all ships) will trigger an escalation to Dread Guristas Fleet Staging Point 3. To blitz, then, kill battleships until the elite frigates spawn, then kill the Overseer cruiser. Escalation trigger. The acceleration gate to the first pocket does not have to be used; the first pocket is optional ...

Mining Primer for Complete Beginners

Mining Primer for Complete Beginners. This is a step-by-step beginner tutorial for mining, aimed at players who may have done EVE's introductory tutorial but not much else. For a more in-depth explanation of mining mechanics, see mining. This guide covers everything you need to do to set up an entry-level mining frigate and take it out to …


For details about harvesting ice or gas, see Ice harvesting or Gas cloud harvesting, respectively. Mining is the activity of extracting ore from asteroids, though it is also used …

The Mordus Headhunters (Level 2)

Destroy them all and make sure no one survives. Faction. Mordu's Legion. Best damage to deal. Kin EM. Damage to resist. Kin Th. Mission briefing. Blitz: In the pocket take out the cruiser and the two frigates that appear first.

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